jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

INPUT de microsoft

Microsoft y los inputs

Se supone que es un Standars
Se supone que existen propiedades Standard
ahora por lo que leo agregan miles de propiedades dentro de su entorno .NET Framework


Creates a radio button control.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the input type=radio object.


Attribute Property Description
ACCESSKEY accessKey Sets or retrieves the access key for the object.
aria-activedescendant ariaActivedescendant Gets or sets the currently active child element.
aria-busy ariaBusy Gets or sets a value indicating whether a live region is finished updating.
aria-checked ariaChecked Sets or retrieves the checked state of this element.
aria-controls ariaControls Gets or sets the list of elements that are controlled by the current element.
aria-describedby ariaDescribedby Gets or sets a list of elements that describe the current object.
aria-disabled ariaDisabled Sets or retrieves the disabled state of this element.
aria-expanded ariaExpanded Sets or retrieves the expanded state of this element.
aria-flowto ariaFlowto

Gets or sets the recommended reading order of content.

aria-haspopup ariaHaspopup

Sets or retrieves a value indicating whether this element may display a pop-up window.

aria-hidden ariaHidden Sets or retrieves the hidden state of this element.
aria-invalid ariaInvalid Sets or retrieves the error state of this element.
aria-labelledby ariaLabelledby Gets or sets a list of elements that provide a label for the current object.
aria-level ariaLevel Sets or retrieves the level of this element.
aria-live ariaLive Gets or sets how assistive technology should announce updates to live regions.
aria-multiselectable ariaMultiselectable Sets or retrieves the multiple-selection state of this element.
aria-owns ariaOwns Gets or sets a list of child objects, including elements that are not direct descendants of the current object.
aria-posinset ariaPosinset Sets or retrieves the current position of an item within a set.
aria-pressed ariaPressed Sets or retrieves the pressed state of a button that can be toggled.
aria-readonly ariaReadonly Sets or retrieves the read-only state of this element.
aria-relevant ariaRelevant Gets or sets which changes to a live region are relevant.
aria-required ariaRequired Sets or retrieves the form-completion requirement of this element.
aria-secret ariaSecret Sets or retrieves the secret state of this element.
aria-selected ariaSelected Sets or retrieves the selection state of this element.
aria-setsize ariaSetsize Sets or retrieves the set size of this element.
aria-valuemax ariaValuemax Gets or sets the maximum value that a user can provide.
aria-valuemin ariaValuemin Gets or sets the minimum value that a user can provide.
aria-valuenow ariaValuenow Gets or sets the current value of the element.
Specifies whether the element and its contents must be selected as a whole, indivisible unit.

attributes Retrieves a collection of attributes of the object.

canHaveChildren Gets a value indicating whether the object can contain child objects.
canHaveHTML canHaveHTML Gets the value indicating whether the object can contain rich HTML markup.
CHECKED checked Sets or retrieves the state of the check box or radio button.

childElementCount New for Windows Internet Explorer 9 Retrieves the number of immediate child nodes of the current element or a zero if the element does not contain any child nodes. childElementCount does not return all child nodes, only child nodes that are nodeType =1, or element nodes.
CLASS className Sets or retrieves the class of the object.

clientHeight Retrieves the height of the object including padding, but not including margin, border, or scroll bar.

clientLeft Retrieves the distance between the offsetLeft property and the true left side of the client area.

clientTop Retrieves the distance between the offsetTop property and the true top of the client area.

clientWidth Retrieves the width of the object including padding, but not including margin, border, or scroll bar.
CONTENTEDITABLE contentEditable Sets or retrieves the string that indicates whether the user can edit the content of the object.
DATAFLD dataFld Sets or retrieves a field of a given data source, as specified by the dataSrc property, to bind to the specified object.
DATASRC dataSrc Sets or retrieves the source of the data for data binding.

defaultChecked Sets or retrieves the state of the check box or radio button.

defaultValue Sets or retrieves the initial contents of the object.
DIR dir Sets or retrieves the reading order of the object.
DISABLED disabled Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether the user can interact with the object.

firstChild Gets a reference to the first child in the childNodes collection of the object.

firstElementChild New for Internet Explorer 9 Retrieves a reference to the first child element, or null if there are no child elements.

form Retrieves a reference to the form that the object is embedded in.
HIDEFOCUS hideFocus Sets or gets the value that indicates whether the object visibly shows that it has focus.
ID id Sets or retrieves the string identifying the object.

innerHTML Gets or sets the HTML between the start and end tags of the object.

innerText Sets or retrieves the text between the start and end tags of the object.

isContentEditable Gets the value that indicates whether the user can edit the contents of the object.

isDisabled Gets the value that indicates whether the user can interact with the object.

isMultiLine Retrieves the value indicating whether the content of the object contains one or more lines.

isTextEdit Retrieves whether a TextRange object can be created using the object.
LANG lang Sets or retrieves the language to use.
LANGUAGE language Sets or retrieves the language in which the current script is written.

lastChild Gets a reference to the last child in the childNodes collection of an object.

lastElementChild New for Internet Explorer 9 Retrieves a reference to the last child element or null if there are no child elements.

localName New for Internet Explorer 9 Retrieves the local name of the fully qualified XML declaration for a node.
NAME name Gets or sets the name of the object.

namespaceURI New for Internet Explorer 9 Retrieves the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the fully qualified XML declaration for a node.

nextElementSibling New for Internet Explorer 9 Retrieves a reference to the sibling element that immediately follows or null if the element does not have any sibling elements that follow it.

nextSibling Retrieves a reference to the next child of the parent for the object.

nodeName Gets the name of a particular type of node.

nodeType Retrieves the type of the requested node.

nodeValue Gets or sets the value of a node.

offsetHeight Retrieves the height of the object relative to the layout or coordinate parent, as specified by the offsetParent property.

offsetLeft Retrieves the calculated left position of the object relative to the layout or coordinate parent, as specified by the offsetParent property.

offsetParent Retrieves a reference to the container object that defines the offsetTop and offsetLeft properties of the object.

offsetTop Retrieves the calculated top position of the object relative to the layout or coordinate parent, as specified by the offsetParent property.

offsetWidth Retrieves the width of the object relative to the layout or coordinate parent, as specified by the offsetParent property.


This property is deprecated. Gets an object that indicates whether the specified Microsoft DirectAnimation behavior is running.

outerHTML Sets or retrieves the object and its content in HTML.

outerText Sets or retrieves the text of the object.

ownerDocument Retrieves the document object associated with the node.

parentElement Retrieves the parent object in the object hierarchy.

parentNode Retrieves the parent object in the document hierarchy.

parentTextEdit Retrieves the container object in the document hierarchy that can be used to create a TextRange containing the original object.

prefix New for Internet Explorer 9 Retrieves the local name of the fully qualified XML declaration for a node.

previousElementSibling New for Internet Explorer 9 Retrieves a reference to the immediately preceding sibling element or null if the element does not have any preceding siblings.

previousSibling Gets a reference to the previous child of the parent for the object.

readyState Retrieves a value that indicates the current state of the object.

recordNumber Retrieves the ordinal record from the data set that generated the object.
role role Sets or retrieves the role for this element.

scopeName Gets the namespace defined for the element.

scrollHeight Retrieves the scrolling height of the object.

scrollLeft Sets or retrieves the distance between the left edge of the object and the leftmost portion of the content currently visible in the window.

scrollTop Sets or retrieves the distance between the top of the object and the topmost portion of the content currently visible in the window.

scrollWidth Retrieves the scrolling width of the object.
SIZE size Sets or retrieves the size of the control.

sourceIndex Retrieves the ordinal position of the object, in source order, as the object appears in the document's all collection.

status Sets or retrieves the value indicating whether the control is selected.
Sets an inline style for the element.
TABINDEX tabIndex Sets or retrieves the index that defines the tab order for the object.

tagName Retrieves the tag name of the object.

tagUrn Sets or gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) specified in the namespace declaration.

textContent New for Internet Explorer 9 Sets or retrieves the text content of an object and any child objects.
TITLE title Sets or retrieves advisory information (a ToolTip) for the object.
TYPE type Retrieves or initially sets the type of input control represented by the object.

uniqueID Retrieves an autogenerated, unique identifier for the object.

uniqueNumber Retrieves the element's unique number.
Specifies that an element cannot be selected.
VALUE value Sets or retrieves the displayed value for the control object. This value is returned to the server when the control object is submitted.
WIDTH width Sets or retrieves the calculated width of the object.


Behavior Description

Obsolete. Provides information about features supported by Internet Explorer, as well as a way for installing browser components on demand.

download Downloads a file and notifies a specified callback function when the download is complete.

Contains information about a user's homepage.


Contains scripting features that enable browser navigation to a folder view.


Enables the object to persist data in a favorite Web site.

saveHistory Enables the object to persist data in the browser history.
saveSnapshot Enables the object to persist data when a Web page is saved.

Provides an active timeline for an HTML element.


Provides an active timeline for an HTML element or group of elements.

userData Enables the object to persist data in user data.


Collection Description
attributes Retrieves the collection of attributes belonging to the object.
behaviorUrns Returns a collection of Uniform Resource Name (URN) strings identifying the behaviors attached to the element.
filters Retrieves the collection of filters that have been applied to the object.


Event Event Property Description
abort New for Internet Explorer 9 onabort Fires when the user aborts the download.

onactivate Fires when the object is set as the active element.

onafterupdate Fires on a databound object after successfully updating the associated data in the data source object.

onbeforeactivate Fires immediately before the object is set as the active element.

onbeforecopy Fires on the source object before the selection is copied to the system clipboard.

onbeforecut Fires on the source object before the selection is deleted from the document.

onbeforedeactivate Fires immediately before the activeElement is changed from the current object to another object in the parent document.

onbeforeeditfocus Fires before an object contained in an editable element enters a UI-activated state or when an editable container object is control selected.

onbeforepaste Fires on the target object before the selection is pasted from the system clipboard to the document.

onbeforeupdate Fires on a databound object before updating the associated data in the data source object.
blur onblur Fires when the object loses the input focus.

oncellchange Fires when data changes in the data provider.
change New for Internet Explorer 9 onchange Fires when the contents of the object or selection have changed.
click onclick Fires when the user clicks the left mouse button on the object.
contextmenu oncontextmenu Fires when the user clicks the right mouse button in the client area, opening the context menu.

oncontrolselect Fires when the user is about to make a control selection of the object.

oncopy Fires on the source element when the user copies the object or selection, adding it to the system clipboard.

oncut Fires on the source element when the object or selection is removed from the document and added to the system clipboard.

ondataavailable Fires periodically as data arrives from data source objects that asynchronously transmit their data.

ondatasetchanged Fires when the data set exposed by a data source object changes.

ondatasetcomplete Fires to indicate that all data is available from the data source object.
dblclick ondblclick Fires when the user double-clicks the object.

ondeactivate Fires when the activeElement is changed from the current object to another object in the parent document.
drag ondrag Fires on the source object continuously during a drag operation.
dragend ondragend Fires on the source object when the user releases the mouse at the close of a drag operation.
dragenter ondragenter Fires on the target element when the user drags the object to a valid drop target.
dragleave ondragleave Fires on the target object when the user moves the mouse out of a valid drop target during a drag operation.
dragover ondragover Fires on the target element continuously while the user drags the object over a valid drop target.
dragstart ondragstart Fires on the source object when the user starts to drag a text selection or selected object.
drop ondrop Fires on the target object when the mouse button is released during a drag-and-drop operation.
error New for Internet Explorer 9 onerror Fires when an error occurs during object loading.

onerrorupdate Fires on a databound object when an error occurs while updating the associated data in the data source object.

onfilterchange Fires when a visual filter changes state or completes a transition.
focus onfocus Fires when the object receives focus.
focusin onfocusin Fires for an element just prior to setting focus on that element.
focusout onfocusout Fires for the current element with focus immediately after moving focus to another element.

onhelp Fires when the user presses the F1 key while the client is the active window.
input New for Internet Explorer 9 oninput Occurs when the text content of an element is changed through the user interface.
keydown onkeydown Fires when the user presses a key.
keypress onkeypress Fires when the user presses an alphanumeric key.
keyup onkeyup Fires when the user releases a key.

onlayoutcomplete Fires when the print or print preview layout process finishes filling the current LayoutRect object with content from the source document.
load New for Internet Explorer 9 onload Fires immediately after the client loads the object.

onlosecapture Fires when the object loses the mouse capture.
mousedown onmousedown Fires when the user clicks the object with either mouse button.

onmouseenter Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.

onmouseleave Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of the object.
mousemove onmousemove Fires when the user moves the mouse over the object.
mouseout onmouseout Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of the object.
mouseover onmouseover Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.
mouseup onmouseup Fires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over the object.
mousewheel onmousewheel Fires when the wheel button is rotated.

onmove Fires when the object moves.

onmoveend Fires when the object stops moving.

onmovestart Fires when the object starts to move.

onpaste Fires on the target object when the user pastes data, transferring the data from the system clipboard to the document.

onpropertychange Fires when a property changes on the object.
readystatechange onreadystatechange Fires when the state of the object has changed.

onreset New for Internet Explorer 9 Fires when the user resets a form.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536959(v=VS.85).aspx onresize Fires when the size of the object is about to change.

onresizeend Fires when the user finishes changing the dimensions of the object in a control selection.

onresizestart Fires when the user begins to change the dimensions of the object in a control selection.

onrowenter Fires to indicate that the current row has changed in the data source and new data values are available on the object.

onrowexit Fires just before the data source control changes the current row in the object.

onrowsdelete Fires when rows are about to be deleted from the recordset.

onrowsinserted Fires just after new rows are inserted in the current recordset.
scroll onscroll Fires when the user repositions the scroll box in the scroll bar on the object.
select New for Internet Explorer 9 onselect Fires when the current selection changes.

onselectstart Fires when the object is being selected.


Fires whenever a time-specific error occurs, usually as a result of setting a property to an invalid value.


Filter property Description

Adjusts the opacity of the content of the object.


Displays an image within the boundaries of the object and between the object background and content, with options to clip or resize the image. When loading a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image, tranparency from zero to 100 percent is supported.


Reveals new content of the object with a motion that resembles doors opening or closing.


Adjusts the color processing, image rotation, or opacity of the content of the object.


Reveals new content of the object by fading the original content.


Reveals new content of the object with a motion that appears to open or close blinds.


Blurs the content of the object so that it appears out of focus.


Reveals new content of the object by uncovering squares placed like a checkerboard over the original content.


Displays a specific color of the content of the object as transparent.


Displays new content of the object as a logical color combination of the new and original content. The color and alpha values of each version of the content are evaluated to determine the final color on the output image.


Creates a solid silhouette of the content of the object, offset in the specified direction. This creates the illusion that the content is floating and casting a shadow.


Displays the content of the object as an embossed texture using grayscale values.


Displays the content of the object as an engraved texture using grayscale values.


Reveals new content of the object by fading out the original content.


Displays the content of the object flipped across the horizontal axis.


Displays the content of the object flipped across the vertical axis.


Adds radiance around the outside edges of the content of the object so that it appears to glow.


Displays a color gradient between the object's background and content.


Reveals new content of the object by passing a gradient band over the original content.


Displays the content of the object in grayscale.


Converts the color content of the object based on an Image Color Management (ICM) profile. This enables improved display of specific content, or simulated display for hardware devices, such as printers or monitors.


Reveals new content of the object diagonally.


Reverses the hue, saturation, and brightness values of the content of the object.


Reveals new content of the object with an iris effect, similar to the opening of a camera aperture.


Creates the effect of a light shining on the content of the object.


Displays transparent pixels of the object content as a color mask, and makes the nontransparent pixels transparent.


Resizes, rotates, or reverses the content of the object using matrix transformation.


Causes the content of the object to appear to be in motion.


Displays the content of the object as squares that take on the average color value of the pixels they replace. This filtered display can be used as a transition.


Reveals new content of the object with a radial wipe, like a windshield-wiper blade.


Reveals new content of the object by exposing random lines of pixels.


Reveals new content of the object by exposing random pixels.

Redirect Not supported.

Reveals new content of the object using one of 24 predefined Transition effects.


Creates a solid silhouette of the content of the object, offset in the specified direction. This creates the illusion of a shadow.


Reveals new content of the object by sliding sections of the image into place.


Reveals new content of the object with a spiral motion.


Reveals new content of the object with a stretching motion to cover the original content. One option resembles a cube rotating from one face to another.


Reveals new content of the object by moving successive strips into place, like a diagonal saw blade passing across the original content.


Performs a sine wave distortion of the content of the object along the vertical axis.


Reveals new content of the object with a rotating motion, like spokes of a wheel covering the original content.


Changes the color depth of the content of the object and displays it in black and white.


Reveals new content of the object with a forward and back motion that moves down the object.


Method Description
addBehavior Attaches a behavior to the element.
appendChild Appends an element as a child to the object.
applyElement Makes the element either a child or parent of another element.
attachEvent Binds the specified function to an event, so that the function gets called whenever the event fires on the object.
blur Causes the element to lose focus and fires the onblur event.
clearAttributes Removes all attributes and values from the object.
click Simulates a click by causing the onclick event to fire.
cloneNode Copies a reference to the object from the document hierarchy.
compareDocumentPosition New for Internet Explorer 9 Compares the position of two nodes in a document.
componentFromPoint Returns the component located at the specified coordinates via certain events.
contains Checks whether the given element is contained within the object.
detachEvent Unbinds the specified function from the event, so that the function stops receiving notifications when the event fires.
doScroll Simulates a click on a scroll bar component.
dragDrop Initiates a drag event.
fireEvent Fires a specified event on the object.
focus Causes the element to receive the focus and executes the code specified by the onfocus event.
getAdjacentText Returns the adjacent text string.
getAttribute Retrieves the value of the specified attribute.
getAttributeNode Retrieves an attribute object referenced by the attribute.name property.
getAttributeNodeNS New for Internet Explorer 9 Gets an attribute object that matches the specified namespace and name.
getAttributeNS New for Internet Explorer 9 Gets the value of the specified attribute within the specified namespace.
getBoundingClientRect Retrieves an object that specifies the bounds of a collection of TextRectangle objects.
getClientRects Retrieves a collection of rectangles that describes the layout of the contents of an object or range within the client. Each rectangle describes a single line.
getElementsByClassName New for Internet Explorer 9 Gets a collection of objects that are based on the value of the CLASS attribute.
getElementsByTagNameNS New for Internet Explorer 9 Gets a collection of objects that are based on the specified element names within a specified namespace.
getExpression Retrieves the expression for the given property.
hasAttribute Determines whether an attribute with the specified name exists.
hasAttributeNS New for Internet Explorer 9 Determines whether an attribute that has the specified namespace and name exists.
hasAttributes Determines whether one or more attributes exist for the object.
hasChildNodes Returns a value that indicates whether the object has children.
insertAdjacentElement Inserts an element at the specified location.
insertAdjacentHTML Inserts the given HTML text into the element at the location.
insertAdjacentText Inserts the given text into the element at the specified location.
insertBefore Inserts an element into the document hierarchy as a child node of a parent object.
isDefaultNamespace New for Internet Explorer 9 Indicates whether or not a namespace is the default namespace for a document.
isEqualNode New for Internet Explorer 9 Determines if two nodes are equal.
isSameNode New for Internet Explorer 9 Determines if two node references refer to the same node.
isSupported New for Internet Explorer 9 Returns a value indicating whether or not the object supports a specific Document Object Model (DOM) standard.
lookupNamespaceURI New for Internet Explorer 9 Gets the URI of the namespace associated with a namespace prefix, if any.
lookupPrefix New for Internet Explorer 9 Gets the namespace prefix associated with a URI, if any.
mergeAttributes Copies all read/write attributes to the specified element.
msMatchesSelector New for Internet Explorer 9 Determines whether an object matches the specified selector.
normalize Merges adjacent DOM objects to produce a normalized document object model.
querySelector Retrieves the first DOM element node from descendants of the starting element node that match any selector within the supplied selector string.
querySelectorAll Retrieves all DOM element nodes from descendants of the starting element node that match any selector within the supplied selector strings.
releaseCapture Removes mouse capture from the object in the current document.
removeAttribute Removes an attribute from an object.
removeAttributeNode Removes an attribute object from the object.
removeAttributeNS New for Internet Explorer 9 Removes the specified attribute from the object.
removeBehavior Detaches a behavior from the element.
removeChild Removes a child node from the object.
removeExpression Removes the expression from the specified property.
removeNode Removes the object from the document hierarchy.
replaceAdjacentText Replaces the text adjacent to the element.
replaceChild Replaces an existing child element with a new child element.
replaceNode Replaces the object with another element.
scrollIntoView Causes the object to scroll into view, aligning it either at the top or bottom of the window.
select Highlights the input area of a form element.
setActive Sets the object as active without setting focus to the object.
setAttribute Sets the value of the specified attribute.
setAttributeNode Sets an attribute object node as part of the object.
setAttributeNodeNS New for Internet Explorer 9 Sets an attribute object as part of the object.
setAttributeNS New for Internet Explorer 9 Sets the value of the specified attribute within the specified namespace.
setCapture Sets the mouse capture to the object that belongs to the current document.
setExpression Sets an expression for the specified object.
swapNode Exchanges the location of two objects in the document hierarchy.


Object Description
currentStyle Represents the cascaded format and style of the object as specified by global style sheets, inline styles, and HTML attributes.
runtimeStyle Represents the cascaded format and style of the object that overrides the format and style specified in global style sheets, inline styles, and HTML attributes.
style Represents the current settings of all possible inline styles for a given element.


Object Description
HTMLInputElement Constructor Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLInputElement Constructor prototype chain.


Style attribute Style property Description
:active :active Sets the style of an element when it is engaged or active.
:checked New for Internet Explorer 9 :checked Applies one or more styles to the form control element that is selected.
:disabled New for Internet Explorer 9 :disabled Applies one or more styles to the form control element that is disabled.
:empty New for Internet Explorer 9 :empty Applies one or more styles to the element that has no child elements (including text nodes).
:enabled New for Internet Explorer 9 :enabled Applies one or more styles to the form control element that is enabled.
:first-child :first-child Applies one or more styles to any element that is the first child of its parent.
:first-of-type New for Internet Explorer 9 :first-of-type Applies one or more styles to the element that is the first sibling element of its type.
:hover :hover

Sets the style of an element when the user hovers the mouse pointer over the element.

:indeterminate New for Internet Explorer 9 :indeterminate Applies one or more styles to radio buttons and check boxes whose toggle states cannot be determined—they are neither checked (selected) nor unchecked (cleared).
:lang :lang(C) In a document, selects the elements that are in a given language.
:last-child New for Internet Explorer 9 :last-child Applies one or more styles to the element that is the last child element of its parent element.
:last-of-type New for Internet Explorer 9 :last-of-type Applies one or more styles to the element that is the last sibling element of its type.
:not(s) New for Internet Explorer 9 :not(s) Applies one or more styles to elements that do not match the simple selector s.
:nth-child(n) New for Internet Explorer 9 :nth-child(n) Applies one or more styles to the element that is the n-th child of its parent element.
:nth-last-child(n) New for Internet Explorer 9 :nth-last-child(n) Applies one or more styles to the element that is the n-th child of its parent element, counting from the last one.
:nth-last-of-type(n) New for Internet Explorer 9 :nth-last-of-type(n) Applies one or more styles to the element that is the n-th sibling of its type, counting from the last one.
:nth-of-type(n) New for Internet Explorer 9 :nth-of-type(n) Applies one or more styles to the element that is the n-th sibling of its type.
:only-child New for Internet Explorer 9 :only-child Applies one or more styles to the element that is the last sibling element of its type.
:only-of-type New for Internet Explorer 9 :only-of-type Applies one or more styles to the element that is the only sibling element of its type.
:root New for Internet Explorer 9 :root Applies one or more styles to the element that is the root element of the document.
:target New for Internet Explorer 9 :target Applies one or more styles to the target element of of the referring URI.
background background Gets or sets up to five separate background properties of the object.
background-attachment backgroundAttachment Gets or sets how the background image is attached to the object within the document.
background-clip New for Internet Explorer 9 backgroundClip Gets or sets the background painting area.
background-color backgroundColor Gets or sets the color behind the content of the object.
background-image backgroundImage Gets or sets the background image of the object.
background-origin New for Internet Explorer 9 backgroundOrigin Gets or sets the background positioning area of a box or multiple boxes.
background-position backgroundPosition Sets or retrieves the position of the background of the object.
-ms-background-position-x backgroundPositionX Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the backgroundPosition property.
-ms-background-position-y backgroundPositionY Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the backgroundPosition property.
background-repeat backgroundRepeat Gets or sets how the backgroundImage property of the object is tiled.
background-size New for Internet Explorer 9 backgroundSize Gets or sets the size of the background images.
-ms-behavior behavior Gets or sets the location of the Dynamic HTML (DHTML) behavior.
border border Sets or retrieves the properties to draw around the object.
border-bottom borderBottom Sets or retrieves the properties of the bottom border of the object.
border-bottom-color borderBottomColor Gets or sets the color of the bottom border of the object.
border-bottom-left-radius New for Internet Explorer 9 borderBottomLeftRadius Gets or sets one or two values that define the radii of the quarter ellipse that defines the shape of the lower-left corner for the outer border edge of the current box.
border-bottom-right-radius New for Internet Explorer 9 borderBottomRightRadius Gets or sets one or two values that define the radii of the quarter ellipse that defines the shape of the lower-right corner for the outer border edge of the current box.
border-bottom-style borderBottomStyle Gets or sets the style of the bottom border of the object.
border-bottom-width borderBottomWidth Gets or sets the width of the bottom border of the object.
border-color borderColor Gets or sets the border color of the object.
border-left borderLeft Sets or retrieves the properties of the left border of the object.
border-left-color borderLeftColor Gets or sets the color of the left border of the object.
border-left-style borderLeftStyle Gets or sets the style of the left border of the object.
border-left-width borderLeftWidth Gets or sets the width of the left border of the object.
border-radius New for Internet Explorer 9 borderRadius Gets or sets one or more values that define the radii of a quarter ellipse that defines the shape of the corners for the outer border edge of the current box.
border-right borderRight Sets or retrieves the properties of the right border of the object.
border-right-color borderRightColor Gets or sets the color of the right border of the object.
border-right-style borderRightStyle Gets or sets the style of the right border of the object.
border-right-width borderRightWidth Gets or sets the width of the right border of the object.
border-style borderStyle Gets or sets the style of the left, right, top, and bottom borders of the object.
border-top borderTop Sets or retrieves the properties of the top border of the object.
border-top-color borderTopColor Gets or sets the color of the top border of the object.
border-top-left-radius New for Internet Explorer 9 borderTopLeftRadius Gets or sets one or two values that define the radii of the quarter ellipse that defines the shape of the upper-left corner for the outer border edge of the current box.
border-top-right-radius New for Internet Explorer 9 borderTopRightRadius Gets or sets one or two values that define the radii of the quarter ellipse that defines the shape of the upper-right corner for the outer border edge of the current box.
border-top-style borderTopStyle Gets or sets the style of the top border of the object.
border-top-width borderTopWidth Gets or sets the width of the top border of the object.
border-width borderWidth Gets or sets the width of the left, right, top, and bottom borders of the object.
bottom bottom Gets or sets the bottom position of the object in relation to the bottom of the next positioned object in the document hierarchy.
box-shadow New for Internet Explorer 9 boxShadow Gets or sets a comma-separated list of shadows that attaches one or more drop shadows to the current box.
box-sizing boxSizing Gets or sets the box model to use for object sizing.
clear clear Gets or sets whether the object allows floating objects on its left side, right side, or both, so that the next text displays past the floating objects.
clip clip Sets or retrieves which part of a positioned object is visible.
color color Gets or sets the color of the text of the object.
content content Gets or sets generated content to insert before or after an element.
counter-increment counterIncrement Gets or sets a list of counters to increment.
counter-reset counterReset Gets or sets a list of counters to create or reset to zero.
cursor cursor Gets or sets the type of cursor to display as the mouse pointer moves over the object.
direction direction Gets or sets the reading order of the object.
display display Gets or sets whether the object is rendered.
-ms-filter filter Gets or sets the filter or collection of filters that are applied to the object.
font font Sets or retrieves a combination of separate font properties of the object. Alternatively, sets or retrieves one or more of six user-preference fonts.
font-family fontFamily Gets or sets the name of the font used for text in the object.
font-size-adjust New for Internet Explorer 9 fontSizeAdjust Gets or sets a value that specifies an aspect value for an element that will effectively preserve the x-height of the first choice font, whether it is substituted or not.
font-stretch New for Internet Explorer 9 fontStretch Gets or sets a value that indicates a normal, condensed, or expanded face of a font family.
font-style fontStyle Gets or sets the font style of the object as italic, normal, or oblique.
font-variant fontVariant Gets or sets whether the text of the object is in small capital letters.

fontWeight Gets the numeric weight of the font of the object.
font-weight fontWeight Gets or sets the weight of the font of the object.

hasLayout Gets a value that indicates whether the object has layout.
height height Gets or sets the height of the object.
-ms-layout-flow layoutFlow Gets or sets the direction and flow of the content in the object.
-ms-layout-grid layoutGrid Sets or retrieves the composite document grid properties that specify the layout of text characters.
-ms-layout-grid-mode layoutGridMode Gets or sets whether the text layout grid uses two dimensions.
left left Gets or sets the position of the object relative to the left edge of the next positioned object in the document hierarchy.
letter-spacing letterSpacing Gets or sets the amount of additional space between letters in the object.
line-height lineHeight Gets or sets the distance between lines in the object.
margin margin Gets or sets the width of the top, right, bottom, and left margins of the object.
margin-bottom marginBottom Gets or sets the height of the bottom margin of the object.
margin-left marginLeft Gets or sets the width of the left margin of the object.
margin-right marginRight Gets or sets the width of the right margin of the object.
margin-top marginTop Gets or sets the height of the top margin of the object.
max-height maxHeight Gets or sets the maximum height for an element.
max-width maxWidth Gets or sets the maximum width for an element.
min-height minHeight Gets or sets the minimum height for an element.
min-width minWidth Gets or sets the minimum width for an element.
-ms-block-progression msBlockProgression Gets or sets the block progression and layout orientation.
opacity New for Internet Explorer 9 opacity Gets or sets a value that specifies object or group opacity in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) or Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).
outline outline Gets or sets the color, style, and width of the outline frame.
outline-color outlineColor Gets or sets the color of the outline frame.
outline-style outlineStyle Gets or sets the style of the outline frame.
outline-width outlineWidth Gets or sets the width of the outline frame.
overflow overflow Gets or sets a value indicating how to manage the content of the object when the content exceeds the height or width of the object.
-ms-overflow-x overflowX Gets or sets how to manage the content of the object when the content exceeds the width of the object.
-ms-overflow-y overflowY Gets or sets how to manage the content of the object when the content exceeds the height of the object.
padding padding Gets or sets the amount of space to insert between the object and its margin or, if there is a border, between the object and its border.
padding-bottom paddingBottom Gets or sets the amount of space to insert between the bottom border of the object and the content.
padding-left paddingLeft Gets or sets the amount of space to insert between the left border of the object and the content.
padding-right paddingRight Gets or sets the amount of space to insert between the right border of the object and the content.
padding-top paddingTop Gets or sets the amount of space to insert between the top border of the object and the content.

pixelBottom Sets or retrieves the bottom position of the object.

pixelHeight Sets or retrieves the height of the object.

pixelLeft Sets or retrieves the left position of the object.

pixelRight Sets or retrieves the right position of the object.

pixelTop Sets or retrieves the top position of the object.

pixelWidth Sets or retrieves the width of the object.

posBottom Sets or retrieves the bottom position of the object in the units specified by the bottom attribute.

posHeight Sets or retrieves the height of the object in the units specified by the height attribute.
position position Gets or sets the type of positioning used for the object.

posLeft Sets or retrieves the left position of the object in the units specified by the left attribute.

posRight Sets or retrieves the right position of the object in the units specified by the right attribute.

posTop Sets or retrieves the top position of the object in the units specified by the top attribute.

posWidth Sets or retrieves the width of the object in the units specified by the width attribute.
quotes quotes Gets or sets the pairs of strings to be used as quotes in generated content.
right right Gets or sets the position of the object relative to the right edge of the next positioned object in the document hierarchy.
float styleFloat Gets or sets on which side of the object the text will flow.
-ms-text-autospace textAutospace Gets or sets the autospacing and narrow space width adjustment of text.
text-decoration textDecoration Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the text in the object has blink, line-through, overline, or underline decorations.


Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the object's textDecoration property has a value of "blink."

textDecorationLineThrough Sets or retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the text in the object has a line drawn through it.

textDecorationNone Sets or retrieves the Boolean value indicating whether the textDecoration property for the object has been set to none.

textDecorationOverline Sets or retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the text in the object has a line drawn over it.

textDecorationUnderline Sets or retrieves whether the text in the object is underlined.
-ms-text-overflow textOverflow Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to render ellipses(...) to indicate text overflow.
text-transform textTransform Gets or sets the rendering of the text in the object.
-ms-text-underline-position textUnderlinePosition Gets or sets the position of the underline decoration that is set through the textDecoration property of the object.
top top Gets or sets the position of the object relative to the top of the next positioned object in the document hierarchy.
unicode-bidi unicodeBidi Gets or sets the level of embedding with respect to the bidirectional algorithm.
visibility visibility Gets or sets whether the content of the object is displayed.
word-spacing wordSpacing Gets or sets the amount of additional space between words in the object.
-ms-word-wrap wordWrap Gets or sets whether to break words when the content exceeds the boundaries of its container.
z-index zIndex Gets or sets the stacking order of positioned objects.
-ms-zoom zoom Gets or sets the magnification scale of the object.


Use a radio button control to limit a user's selection to a single value within a set of values. To do this, you must link together each button in a set of radio buttons by assigning each button the same name.

When a user submits a form, a selected radio button generates a name/value pair in the form data only if the button has a value.

To select a radio button as the default button in a set, set the checked property of the button to true .

A user can select a radio button only if the button has a name. To clear a selected radio button, a user must select another button in the set.

Internet Explorer 8 and later. In IE8 Standards mode, you can select an input type=radio button that does not have a name attribute specified. In addition, dynamically setting the name attribute on an input type=radio button correctly applies that button to the same named group. For more information, see Defining Document Compatibility.

This element is an inline element.

This element does not require a closing tag.


This example uses the INPUT type=radio element to create three radio buttons.

1-10 years old 11 years old 12-120 years old 

This example uses script to detect which radio button the user selects.


Standards Information

This object is defined in HTML 3.2.

See Also

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Annotations FAQ
DHTML bug to fix

There's a bug when we try to create dynamicaly a radio button group, we cannot set attributes :

  • name
  • checked
  • ...

Code example :

[jsudds.MSFT] This is a known bug with dynamic radio buttons. You have to create the button with the name attribute intact. This bug has been fixed in Internet Explorer 8. The following workaround can be used for cross-browser scenarios (doesn't work in Opera).

rdo = document.createElement('');
rdo = document.createElement('input');
Source: http://cf-bill.blogspot.com/2006/03/another-ie-gotcha-dynamiclly-created.html